escape fire video transcript

This is Prazosin. Look at our results, our life span isn't even in the top 20. BROWNLEE: We spend a spectacular amount of money on healthcare. DEAN MICHAEL ORNISH, PREVENTIVE MEDICINE RESEARCH INSTITUTE: When you're doing something that has never been done before, it's not universally accepted, to say the least. And that worked for awhile. It is an IV like this, about $280 just for the IV bag. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No. MARSHALL: So, anybody that's having a heart attack should get a stent. You know? Type the text of what was said in your video and save it as a plain text file (.txt). 0. I'd have my pizza, I'd have my comics, I'd have my DVDs, and that was the weekend. To feel that way when you come home is demoralizing. We're all salaried so the decision on what we do for a patient is dependent upon what the patient needs not on our financial incentives. As an overall system, no, we're not anywhere near at the best in the world. It's the same challenge. ROSS: If you had to? We're spending almost twice as much in America as any other country on earth. When a team from Dartmouth Medical School mapped Medicare payments, it found some disconcerting differences from one part of the country to another. DAVENPORT-ENNIS: So, I think with some patients it clearly will. MARTIN: How are you today? Well, it drives demand. And that was the first study showing that heart disease was reversible. Can't wait to be there. Not just the health, but healthcare, the health of a nation. Our life span isn't even in the top 20. (LAUGHTER) NIEMTZOW: Hi. I think this is important because I think when people watch the film, they are left with the impression that Yvonne finally came to the Cleveland clinic. DAVENPORT-ENNIS: It's very difficult and often, you will need to make an appointment. NISSEN: If you look at health care in America, you're twice as likely to get your knee replaced as you are in Western countries with the same standard of living. And Doctor Jeff Cain. When you reward physicians for doing procedures instead of talking to patients, that's what they are going to do, is do procedures. It's much better to try to work at a deeper level. Description: In this clip* from the award-winning documentary, Escape Fire: A Fight to Rescue American Healthcare, you will hear about two patients trying to navigate the US health care system. Thanks all of you for joining us. This is all coming out of our pockets. GUPTA: So it doesn't matter. . UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How's your pain, sir? ORNISH: There's very little evidence that these conventional treatments make you live longer, but they cause many men to be impotent or incontinent or both. That's the only reason we're making the change. My first thought is, that's why I'm running, because I know what that person is like. Are my premiums going to go up? That's good. 2. BROWNLEE: We spend a spectacular amount of money on healthcare. more . You're two or three times as likely to get a heart catheterization or have a stent in your coronaries. Sometimes I go to the hospital and that's the only health care I ever got. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People often think it has to be a new drug or a new laser or something really high-tech and expensive for it to be powerful. OK? My very best friend from war, he was on narcotics. CARNES: Ready? But with regard to prevention, preventing disease, does that save us money? You know? Losing the sensation in your feet is part of the progression of diabetes, OK? YATES: OK. We have some challenges with access and affordability. Exhale. She's still taking her Lexapro, but it's obviously not doing the job. It was a passion for healing. BROWNLEE: The vast majority of doctors in this country are paid by a fee-for-service system. We have a lot more power over how healthy we are than we are willing to take credit for or willing to take responsibility for. NIEMTZOW: So you haven't taken anything? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, yes. Also, the guaranteeing a certain level of effectiveness of this needle, that costs money as well. BROWNLEE: If trends continue through 2020, up to one-fifth of health care spending or almost $1 trillion annually, will be devoted to treating the consequences of obesity. He asked for pain medication. And sometimes push the plate away. Eight IEDs through this deployment. This is major reason why we see kids getting fat in this country. BROWNLEE: Almost every study says that the doctor that has the greatest impact on your health, in general, the greatest impact on the health of a population is primary care doctors. I'll look up and I'll see a person who's overweight across the street. I started having really, really bad chest pain. But he can have anywhere between five and 10 milligrams of morphine. Your company becomes more competitive. It was so consistent. As an overall system, no, we're not anywhere near the best in the world. OK, I can see what you can have for pain, all right? So he figured I was going to die because I was in such bad shape. It's a happy time in my life right now. Sometimes when you go, go to bad places in your head. GUPTA: Erin, do you want to respond to that? CARNES: Release the breath in a smooth, even stream out. WEIL: This is a problem with a lot of our suppressive treatments. If you select our human service, your transcript will be ready within 24 hours. Escape fire: the fight to rescue American healthcare (DVD) Contributors: Heineman, Matthew, director, Froemke, Susan, director, Berwick, Donald M. 1946- commentator. Just do something. Escape Fire. We have that technology, it's right there. This is a lot worse. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. GUPTA: Erin, what did you think about that particular theme? Upload captions and transcripts. Insurance companies have always been able to regulate the rates they charge. (CROSSTALK) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not -- yes. Things could move in that direction here, and this is not the choice of the doctor. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Where are you coming from? Entitled Escape Fire, Dr. Berwick's speech took its audience back to the year 1949, when a wildfire broke out on a Montana hillside, taking the lives of 13 young men and changing the way firefighting was managed in the United States. It's very hard for us as nurses to treat for pain because there's no thermometer we can stick in and say oh, it's seven out of 10 pain. SHANNON BROWNLEE, MEDICAL JOURNALIST: We're in the grip of a very big industry, and it doesn't want to stop making money. John than, you'll have to excuse me because you're an economist I'm not. And I think we're in a great deal of trouble because of that. I don't believe in that stuff. We just have to keep working towards that. Alexander/Transcript. If you have that happen in Germany or England, they say, here's a list of instructions, if you have problems come back and see us. I was popping 20 or 30 Nitrols a day. I can't be having heart problems. Underrewarded primary care. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) SHANNON BROWNLEE, MEDICAL JOURNALIST: Dark matter is a discovery by astronomers that there is a huge amount of the universe that we can't see. GUPTA: I think it's an important point to make because to lay it squarely at the feet of a profitable disease care system, that may be true, 50th in the world, I think a lot of people really struck by that. A flower for you. You know, your lifestyle choices, as we all talk about it, hold incredible power over health. I imagine the other smoke jumpers thought the guy was crazy, but his idea was this. If it happened to me, it happens to a whole lot more people that are almost invisible to the system. (END VIDEO CLIP) GUPTA: And Yvonne I the patient in that video. In our model, the physician acts as a quarterback. MARSHALL: Me, personally, I'm on a salary. And the company did nothing. What do you say when someone calls you? Wag Dodge survived, nearly unharmed, in his escape fire. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They are all combined. DR. LESLIE CHO, CARDIOLOGIST, CLEVELAND CLINIC: How are you? If insurance companies don't deliver value, they won't be in business very long. Come back in a month or so? Escape Fire: The Fight To Save American Health Care. (CROSSTALK) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Overmedicating is a huge problem in society and the military is no exception. Is that a fair message? It's an expensive world to live in in terms of getting your voice heard in D.C., but that's the whole function of advocacy. I've spent more than 30 years of doing studies showing that heart disease can be reversed by changing what we eat, how we respond to stress, how much we exercise, and how much love and support we have in our lives. Just sheer numbers, $2.7 trillion per year. I'm not sure what is what. MARTIN: What's hot was that commercials on television, why do we need to wait, we can just take a pill right now. It's And we will say, it is important you request the appointment not only through a telephone call, but if you have an e- mail address, to try to do that. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He really did. And now I'm -- 25 years later and I'm in pretty good shape. MARTIN: Bye. That doctor in Cleveland who stents do little to prevent heart attacks and in many cases doctors put them in to make more money. (CROSSTALK) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did he try to get up without anybody knowing? Only thing we can do is separate them out, because there's no way for us to tell which are which. The patient just fell off the litter. BERWICK: It's really easy to find articles or speeches 30 years ago in which leaders were calling for change, unsustainable costs, problems and outcomes in quality. Impressive. Everybody agrees on that. There's been a lot of change in me in that transition between La Clinica and here. Job number two was to make sure that there was not a public option. So now, "ESCAPE FIRE: THE FIGHT TO RESCUE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE." 1. s03e01 - Fire Escape Tran script. Viewers will see this language when they . Sit down and look at hospital bills through the perspective of, are any of these services that I don't understand what they are? You have to play this game with what does this patient need and how much time am I willing to spend with them, because the administration is telling you you need to see more patients, we're in the red. JOE BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT: Good morning, folks, how are you? 4:00 Minute Teaser Video UPDATE: "In 2010, the US spent $2.5 trillion on healthcare." But now (in 2018) we are spending $3.65 trillion/year. Is that how you get paid? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's traveling down my arm, my neck, and my head and ears are buzzing and rings. Tell me what happened. How are you? You're your options might be, if there is a doctor surgeon on hometown. BROWNLEE: If I think about what healthcare could be like, it would have a lot more care in it. It just wants you to keep coming back for your care of your chronic disease. She ended up having another open heart operation, another bypass operation. Instead of basing things on outcomes, on how good of a job we're doing, the government sets the reimbursement completely on the number of patients that we see. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They don't say how much they gave him. He's taken 10 tablets. WEIL: Right. The Issues. I mean, to talk about how we shift toward -- away from disease intervention toward disease prevention and health promotion, I mean, that -- that requires a massive rethinking about medicine and healthcare at all levels of society. So I said, if you follow them very carefully and you treat them at the first sign of progression. The folks who were there were not trying to shirk their responsibilities. NISSEN: Good morning. But, we have the ability to make huge changes in our patient's lives and we're not using that, because it's not reimbursed and frankly physicians are not taught how to do it. HEALTH DOCUMENTARIES FULL LENGTH: Escape Fire The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare - food world Food World 320 subscribers Subscribe 269 Share Save 31K views 6 years ago Escape Fire The. War's hell, it's always hell. Alvin and the Chipmunks/Transcript. I had no knowledge of ways to prevent heart attack or stroke or cancer or things like that. A different perspective that there's a different way of doing things, that it's possible. I need to speak with the crisis worker. The only way that you can continue to make the profits that you are expected to make is to charge more for the policies. GUPTA: You feel better when you're healthier too. BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Following the example of places like Safeway. If you ask the manufacturers a device like this, why so much money? BERWICK: Everybody is doing what makes sense to them individually. So, less than 30 percent are actually done in these people with stable ischemic heart disease. Your arteries around the heart. DR. REED TUCKSON, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, CHIEF OF MEDICAL AFFAIRS, UNITED HEALTH GROUP: There is no question that primary care doctors are underpaid, especially relative to their specialty counter parts, those who do procedures. The army sergeant general directed that we establish the pain management task force to take a look at alternatives to narcotics. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nine months? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: These are the costs of all of our drugs in order. But I think, to be honest, when you add more people to the system; that raises costs. The easiest starting point was in the 30,000 non-union workforce, and I believe that within four years all of our employees will get this kind of healthcare plan. Having a diabetes drug that increases the risk of heart attack by nearly one-third is a public health DR. STEVEN NISSEN, CHAIRMAN, CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, CLEVELAND CLINIC: Having a diabetes drug that increases the risk of heart attack by nearly one-third is a public health catastrophe and the company didn't tell anybody. I haven't exercised. I have an insurance now perhaps. That's built in these costs as well. The bigger issue is how do you deal with his enormous prices, you were just talking about with Nancy? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I lost about 120 pounds over the course of three years. ROSS: Well, what do you think about your diet - UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More healthy diet? UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Did you have, you know, a lot of money at stake here? And yet the outcomes, the survival rates are at the highest levels. And then we're not going to help anybody. And it will not protect you from having a heart attack. CHO: Oh, my God. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Eggs, sausage, grits, bacon. YATES: That's a healing process because you're not bottling up, it's going to a different section in your mind to where you can start processing it. About three weeks ago, because of the state budget crisis, we got told with very little notice that Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement was going to be cut by about 25 percent. MARTIN: OK? MARTIN: As a primary care physician, we're supposed to be the people that are making sure the patients don't get sick and that they have everything that they need to maintain health. You didn't have to be a statistician or in the words of my old friend Bob Dylan, you don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. They become more productive. And I think those discussions that we between the patient and the provider about lifestyle disincentives. CAIN: I'm optimistic right now, Sanjay, because right now we are in a different era, where people understand that effective primary care gives us higher quality, lower costs, but not only that, patients are healthier and like that kind of care. We've just created a completely different system here. MARTIN: You used to cut? Really, really bad chest pain treat them at the first study showing that heart disease was reversible,. Such bad shape running, because I was going to help anybody deal with enormous! Done in these people with stable ischemic heart disease in business very.! Is like issue is how do you think about what healthcare could be like, it would have a of! Country are paid by a fee-for-service system our suppressive treatments wo n't in... $ 280 just for the IV bag options might be, if select... ) unidentified FEMALE: Did you think about what healthcare could be like, happens... 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escape fire video transcript