20 worst things to say to someone with anxiety

In reality, depression often requires support from a mental health professional. People with depression may be aware theyre not acting as usual, or that its difficult for them to socialize or complete some tasks. And, you pointing it out probably made it turn three shades brighter. Be encouraged. People with social anxiety disorder (SAD) are sometimes put on the spot in one-on-one or group conversations. And heres where what you say and do can make a great difference. This is a gentle but direct offer of support. If you feel a little nervous before giving speeches, don't tell a person with SAD that you know how he feels. Really? I get it: anxiety is awkward. While you mean well, and only want to commiserate, this can come off as a pretty big insult. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It can be difficult for us anxiety sufferers to communicate our feelings. Sadness, just like happiness, is a reaction and can be a state of mind. Sanjana balances her love for chocolate with a penchant for fun workouts like aerial yoga and kickboxing. She has written extensively for platforms like Livestrong.com, Verywell Mind, and Times Internet. If they reach out to you, here's how to help someone with depression. The best way to learn how to help somebody with anxiety is to take the time and learn about how that persons anxiety works. There are a couple ways to hold this silence: active listening and sitting with their emotions. Its almost always better to be present in an imperfect way than to avoid someone out of fear. While most people get worried about things from time to time, some people have anxiety disorders that are characterized by a disproportionate amount of anxiety. At the end of the day, this is just plain ignorant. As we all know, tone of voice affects how others receive or reject our words. Although you cant fix their situation, you can express with or without words your sincere care and concern. "Please do not compare everyday worries and anxieties with an anxiety disorder," licensed clinical psychologist Helen Odessky, PsyD. 2005-2023 Psych Central a Red Ventures Company. And if you did not know anybody with anxiety before, you now know me; somebody with many years of anxiety-suffering experience. My name is Grace, and I am a graydemi ace. Faking it till you make it doesnt treat mental health any more than it can treat a physical wound. When depression is present, driver safety might be at risk due to delayed reaction times. Anxiety makes us feel a lot of things (worry, fear, panic, etc. When it comes to offering comfort, doing less is often more. Unless you yourself have or have had anxiety, you cannot possibly understand what it is like. To receive a diagnosis of depression, a mental health professional will look for five or more of the following symptoms. Otherwise, anxiety can become so intense that the fear is increased rather than lessened. Anxiety and Depression Association of America. 1. People with social anxiety suffer from anticipatory anxiety, distorted thinking, avoidance from social situations or even physical symptoms like shaking or pounding I cant really understand how you are feeling, but I can offer my compassion. Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. One, your loved one might not be up for a group hang, but they may enjoy some one-on-one time to chat. Hearing the words 'snap out of it' is incredibly frustrating at the best of times, let alone when you have anxiety. Making comments like Stop being so negative, Youre such a worrier, or Youre miserable to someone with depression or anxiety isnt only brash, its more telling about you than them. Thank you for telling me how you feel. And you definitely don't want to make either of those things happen. Even though you're trying to be kind, keep in mind someone with anxiety can't just magically feel better. It also implies that someone can get rid of depression with willpower, or that theyre somehow defective. The best thing about this statement is that youre not judging or offering solutions. That's why, by claiming they have nothing to worry about, you're essentially invalidating their feelings. Daniel B. Either ease us slowly into it or let us do it by ourselves when we're ready. Although most mean well when they advise that a person with SAD have a drink to relieve anxiety, it is a dangerous suggestion. Oh, here we go again (eye roll) This is the quickest way to amp up a loved ones Telling a loved one to just be positive is the same as snap out of it. Youre implying that what theyre feeling isnt real or a big deal, or that they can control their depression. Can Depression Affect Your Empathy Levels? If you really want to start a conversation, try asking open-ended questions about topics that the person is passionate about or share a funny story you heard. Everyones experience is unique. They may say no but inviting them to be with you or participate in an activity can also make them feel they have someone to rely on. This is how its often portrayed in the media. Adjusting to Life With a Chronic Condition, The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection and Its Ramifications. WebMD understands that reading individual, real-life experiences can be a helpful resource, but it is never a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified health care provider. Psych Central does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Read our, Speak to a Therapist for Social Anxiety Disorder. It takes courage to let someone know that you have depression, and to let them in during a vulnerable time. Its no big deal. Do you know somebody who struggles with anxiety? Focus on validation and hopeful comments. This might seem a little less offensive than just telling someone to stop thinking about a worry altogether. A more helpful move? But telling someone to "just breathe" probably won't encourage them to stop and do it. Depression is a health condition like any other. WebAlternative: Right now, I know this seems like the worst thing in the world. 8. You may not understand why they have depression, and thats OK. Providing empathy and support, even when you cannot relate to what theyre going through, can go a long way. Nobody likes being told to calm down, whether they've got anxiety or not. Its possible that inviting them to do a fun activity can help them in the moment, even if it wont cure depression.. Here's yet another phrase that shuts down conversations and makes the anxious person feel alone. go wrong, any previous assertions that everything will be fine become completely invalidated in the anxiety-sufferers mind. Theres a proverb that goes, Better to be quiet and thought a fool than to open the mouth and remove all doubt.. To paraphrase Albus Dumbledore, of course it is all in our heads, but why should that mean it isnt real? "No one wants to be labeled for something that causes them immense stress and pain. Telling someone to just get over it is invalidating a persons experiences and concerns. But they may not be ready to take the step youve set up for them. By saying this, you're positioning yourself against the person, instead of aligning with them against their anxiety," says Romanoff. This can be a very gentle way of allowing your loved one to arrive at their own conclusions for why theyre experiencing a depressive episode. "You absolutely want to avoid saying something that will make them feel like their very real experience is an over-reaction or that it's somehow immediately fixable.". That is how anxiety works. There is nothing worse than hearing that someone knows how you feel when they clearly don't. Sanjana has been a health writer and editor since 2014. "But people with mood disorders are twice as likely to develop drug and alcohol addiction problems, so this can be a slippery slope for someone with anxiety to go down. Pease A, et al. But keep in mind that anxiety feels very real, so this comment rarely comes off as intended. But here is the problem: it cannot always be guaranteed that everything. Weve given you some tools, tips, and science behind communicating with a loved one who has depression. Nonverbal communication in psychotherapy. Levity can go a long ways, and a casual visit can help accomplish more than one thing. Hopelessness is a common symptom of depression. Reminding your friend that you are still there for them is important.. Because much of anxiety stems from a fear of the unknown, talking through these situations can help a person with anxiety feel more in control, like they have a tangible plan. Depression can lead to headache disorders, and depressive symptoms may develop due to chronic headaches. It is a terrifying, omnipresent, hellish reality experienced by millions upon millions of people. When in doubt, we can always ask someone how we can be most helpful. In the same vein, you never want to push someone to "suck it up," either. 1. Those words dont judge, impose, or manipulate. Its also something that can be referred to when conversations come and go. This is 100% false. I had it harder than you. You dont know what is hard for us. Often, what someone with depression needs is to feel they can count on you and feel safe when they express how they feel. Depression has nothing to do with being selfish or self-centered. It simply wants to be witnessed -- to be seen, heard and companioned exactly as it is. Palmer found that type of witnessing, and relief from his isolation, through the love of a dear friend who came to his house every day and massaged his feet, usually in silence. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. As NYC-based therapist Kimberly Hershenson says, "Just because one person can handle a certain issue or circumstance doesn't mean everyone can.". Because for many of us, this kind of humour implies that you think our fears, our feelings, and our illness are silly. Selfishness is putting yourself before all else; withdrawal is to srhink back and therefore deny yourself before all else this is why depression intervention involves support. Imagine a non-asthmatic telling an asthmatic that they know what it is like to have asthma, and you have a rough idea of what it is like to be told I know how you feel by somebody who has never had anxiety. Giving them that agency can make a world of difference. But how do you express your support the right way when someone your close to has depression? But in doing so, it's important to avoid a few choice things you should never say to someone with anxiety. Carey Kirkella/The Image Bank/Getty Images, What Not to Say to Someone With Social Anxiety, How to Deal With Blushing When You Have Social Anxiety Disorder, I Need You to Make a Presentation in Our Meeting Tomorrow, Your Hands Were Shaking During Your Speech, SAD Isn't a Real Disorder; You're Just Shy, What Not to Say to Someone Who Is Depressed, Negging: How to Recognize and Overcome It. You should always speak with your doctor before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your care plan or treatment. Chances are, the person whose face just turned red knows that it happened. Depression isnt about willpower or motivation to feel better. So if you know at least ten people, chances are you know somebody who has anxiety. But remember, people with Thankfully, the most helpful things we can offer are straightforward and dont require professional training or even a lot of imagination. You dont have to feel ashamed if you recognize yourself in any of the unhelpful responses. So you might pick up on the signs of a depressive episode. Not a good idea. Breathing exercises can be helpful for anxiety. They may not have the capacity to be and do everything that someone else wants them to be or do.. But they arent you. Pressuring them to socialize or do something when they dont feel like it may lead them to withdraw from you. My name is Grace and I am a gray [Read More]. "If they feel blamed or stigmatized, or feel like you're upset at them, the anxiety is going to get worse instead of better," says Daramus. But when we are told that it is all in our heads, it is implied that what we are feeling is somehow a make-believe horror story that we have concocted for our personal amusement. Helping a friend or partner with an anxiety disorder can be a pretty tough job. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. If theyre in a situation where they temporarily need your help, balancing the scales with an expression of gratitude for being among their trust circle may help by acknowledging its a two-way street. If they could calm down, they would. Most of the time we probably just want to know someone will stay with us, even when we feel unlovable to the core of our being. You have to hear this: Using tone of voice to motivate others. 2005-2023 Psych Central a Red Ventures Company. Drinking as a way of coping with social anxiety can lead to the development of alcoholism. As Bennet says, "Anxiety feels large, dark, and overwhelming. "If they can think through all the what-ifs and how they'll deal with all the possible scenarios, they'll feel more prepared," Green says. The response is also dismissive. "They're already thinking of the worst case scenario. However, trying not to think about what's causing them anxiety isn't a proven relief method. How do you do? When someone is anxious, theyre unlikely to give up this coping mechanism so easily because it does work temporarily. It will be fine. Giving someone false hope isnt helpful. It often requires professional support for symptoms to improve, and even then, its a long and complex process. Depression isnt real. To point it out just adds to the guilt we are already feeling. Other People are Suffering from Much Worse Conditions, I like to call this one the Shut Up and Stop Complaining You Selfish Cow move, because that is precisely what I hear whenever anybody says it. Meditation, for instance, has been known to work wonders. As Chris MacLeod, MSW, RSW says, "If your anxiety is bad enough, you can't force through it by 'sucking it up'. So, what does that leave when it comes to offering comfort and support? Talk to me, I will listen. I am proud of you for seeking help. We are aware that our fears and our thoughts are often irrational, but we cant control the way these things affect us. Seeing someone you care for facing significant challenges can be overwhelming and hurtful for you, too. How do you do? While these points will hopefully provide useful guidelines to anybody who wishes to support somebody with an anxiety disorder, the most important thing to remember is that no two cases of anxiety are the same. Tone and body language are very important here, as a statement like this could come off condescending or dismissive otherwise. 2. Again, chances are the person giving the speech knows that her hands shook the whole time. It lets them have their revelation on their terms without any leading or presumptive remarks. Do they want us to talk it through with them? Dating someone with depression can be challenging and overwhelming, but knowing more about the condition can help you navigate these difficulties. They are not selfish; they are just not well. Learn the symptoms of persistent depressive disorder so you can manage the condition and live well. It might not have to be perfect for others, but it does have to be perfect for them. Making assumptions that the way the friend is acting is a personal affront can result in feeling defensive and may result in conflict, says Ryland. Even if you dont understand everything that your friend or family member is ), and one emotion we feel that does not attract a lot of attention is guilt. You may make suggestions about a therapist or support group you know of, but the ultimate decision to take that step is your loved ones. A person with anxiety likely knows the easiest way to solve their problem, but feels like they are unable to do so. SAD is more than shyness. Respect the reality of your loved one. But here is the problem: it cannot always be guaranteed that everything will be fine, and if something does go wrong, any previous assertions that everything will be fine become completely invalidated in the anxiety-sufferers mind. Because for many of us, this kind of humour implies that you think our fears, our feelings, and our illness are silly. How to Help Someone with Social Anxiety Watch on And, yes, sometimes we might not want to tell certain people within our friendship/family groups what we are feeling, for whatever reason. WebSomeone with anxiety may be feeling breathless, sweaty or confused. That's not how anxiety works. Stop worrying / Calm down These two statements are among the most commonly used. Here's what research and experts say. It is constant and unrelenting, and trying to quiet somebodys anxiety with alcohol will only work for a few hours before they are sober, the hangover is gone, and they are feeling anxious again. Medication, therapy, brain stimulation techniques, or self-help strategies could work for you. But I cannot stress enough how important it is to not treat an anxiety sufferers situation lightly unless you are, they will be okay with you doing it. Anxiety can make people do some pretty strange things, like panic in public or dramatically avoid certain situations. Maybe they just want a listening ear or someone to sit with them. The right body language and practicing active listening can help demonstrate to your loved one that youre open to whatever they have to say, that youre here for them. Below is a TED Talk on how to be fully present for others that may be useful. Your empathy and compassion can make a difference, although managing their symptoms of depression isnt ultimately your responsibility. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. A person with SAD does not react well to being put on the spot. What should you not say to someone with anxiety? They dont have to look depressed to have depression. Maybe youd handle it differently. Drew Coster, a therapist, health coach, and writer, provides a template letter to use during a depressive episode to help people who cant find the words to address what theyre experiencing. I am not here to deny the potential of any of these activities in helping people with anxiety. Offer our own perspective? (2010). Although the question might seem innocent enough to you, it is one of the most unhelpful things that can be said to a person with SAD. It is a deeply unpleasant sensation, and if anybody with anxiety were able to calm down on command, we would do it without question. Its sweet. But offering them a drink? Depression is a serious illness that can affect every aspect of a persons life. Instead, make them feel safe, distract them from their worries, and keep them in the present. We often feel powerless when faced with another persons problems that we cant fix. A 2011 study found that subtly using the same body language as your loved one may help you bond. Rather, interrogative self-talk (asking yourself questions) may be better. In the study, participants were asked to solve a puzzle. Well, instead of suggesting they "calm down" or "push through it," you could ask if there's anything you can do to help. But showing youre there for them can help. That smell is not that strong. If your loved one is confiding in you or tells you that theyre feeling seriously depressed, dont compare their situation with someone elses or with an imaginary more worst-case scenario. Mimicry and helping behavior: An evaluation of mimicry on explicit helping request. I am sorry you are feeling this pain. 5 Ways to Help Someone With Social Anxiety, 6 Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who's Losing Weight, The 7 Best Ways to Support Someone When They're Grieving, Anxious? As Bennet says, "Even though their thinking patterns may be distorted, in that very moment, it is extremely difficult for someone who has anxiety to see that.". Its not just an outlook.. 4. But keep in mind that's the very nature of the disorder. To point it out just adds to the guilt we are already feeling. (2011). Rather than tell the person what to do or feel, acknowledge what they're feeling and ask what you can do to help, Kitley recommends. Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of "Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder" and "7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety.". Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of something you have read on WebMD. WebIs someone you care about suffering from anxiety or an anxiety disorder? 15 Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who Suffers From Anxiety 1. People who blush easily, whether they have SAD or not, generally don't like being made the center of attention when it happens. Give pause for softened eye contact coupled with a relaxed mouth (i.e., the opposite of a piercing gaze). Choosing your actions and words carefully can help. It's not that hard. If they reach out because they need company or a shoulder to cry on, try to be there for them and just listen. If you experience summer depression treatment options are available, you're not. 16 Hard Launch Caption Ideas That'll Break The Internet, Shadow Work Is All About Stepping Into Your Power Here's How To Do It, 35 Groundbreaking Women From History You Didn't Learn About In School, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. But I cannot stress enough how important it is to not treat an anxiety sufferers situation lightly unless you are absolutely sure they will be okay with you doing it. And that's awesome. Ive been on the receiving end of some of these remarks, too, when Ive shared my struggles with depression or insomnia. Indeed, the anxiety sufferer might feel like a failure for not drawing anything from the activity, which could make their anxiety worse than it was before. And if, at some point, you feel like you can't keep engaging, set a firm but caring boundary. Here are some of the things you should and should not say to someone with anxiety. But seriously, these are probably some of the most useless words of wisdom anybody with anxiety has been forced to hear. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), around 40 million adults in the United States are affected by one or more anxiety disorders. Eventually, they may stop coming to you and sharing what is distressing them." This means that If we don't want to go somewhere or do something, please do not think forcing us/pushing us is going to help. He also suggests PsychHub.com for free educational videos on mental health. If you experience summer depression treatment options are available, you're not. "Just like it is difficult and damaging to try and walk normally when you have a broken leg, it is equally difficult and damaging to just try and think normally when you are suffering anxiety.". Guguen N, et al. How to meditate: A beginner's guide to meditation and mindfulness, What is meditation? Below are 10 of the worst things that you can say to someone with social anxiety. There are many possible answers to that question, and here are 22 of them, together with an exercise to find your own, When it comes to mental health, there's no "one-size-fits-all." "You can suggest that the person write down their feelings, because the person can then revisit their feelings on paper and not exhaust their support system," she says. Learning how to cope and manage anxiety takes time. "It sends the message that the people around them can't support them or tolerate their emotions, and then they're stuck feeling helpless because they're dealing with it by themselves," Green says. Telling someone to just get over it is invalidating a persons experiences and concerns. Your loved one may seem happy and smile all the time, but that doesnt mean thats what theyre experiencing internally. 1. Reverse-engineer his tips by using that same template to talk with your loved one who has depression. It significantly impacts a persons ability to function and interact in life.. Two, you can help out with chores and housekeeping while youre there enjoying their company. Again, this isnt by choice. The 9 Best Natural Remedies for Anxiety, and 3 to Skip. Schmidt KL, et al. This is why it may not go away with encouraging words or motivational pep talk. It takes a good amount of vulnerability for a person with anxiety to share the inner workings of their mental processes. Just dont push or ask about sensitive experiences that may make your loved one feel exposed, or anxious to come up with something. You may want to meet them where they are, instead. Even though experts still cant point to the exact cause of the condition, theyve established a few contributing factors like: Depression is not simply being sad sometimes, says Oddesty K Langham, a licensed clinical therapist in Birmingham, Alabama. I made [Read More], 2020 has been a difficult, heartbreaking, and tumultuous [Read More], Hi! Optimism and having a hopeful outlook can certainly be important, but its important to remember that positive thinking doesnt always work especially when forcing it. Say instead: "You seem really anxious, that must feel awful. You wont always feel this way. That was the perfect sentence that I could hear 50 times a day when I wanted out, out, out, of this world, says Therese J. Borchard, mental health advocate, author, and founder of the online depression community Project Hope & Beyond. Youre there for them to be themselves, no matter what version of self that happens to be that day, week, or month. Just remember that your presence counts more than anything, because knowing were not alone changes everything. Depression doesnt ease up. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2898840/, ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=620945, onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ajpa.20001, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3626423/, psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fxhp0000502, health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/what-causes-depression, link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11469-014-9487-0, Podcast: Explaining Depression To Happy People. Also, don't tell him that you used to be shy but you got over it and he can too. Different people with anxiety have different ways of managing. "This helps the other person to feel heard, valued, and supported," Bennet says, which is really all you need to do. Some studies have found that people with depression might engage in more aggressive driving behaviors, and could have greater risk of roadway accidents. Unfurled eyebrows may express our curious and favorable interest in whom were communicating with. ), and one emotion we feel that does not attract a lot of attention is guilt. There are many triggers or reasons that cause or worsen depression. You mean well, you really do. Panic attacks are characterized by a combination of mental, emotional, and physical symptoms. When someone is anxious, theyre unlikely to give up this coping mechanism so easily because it does work temporarily. It will be fine. Giving someone But saying nothing and listening instead is sometimes the most appropriate response. A lack of treatment, or not getting the right treatment, may lead to suicide. That'll only make things worse. You would never tell people with a physical disability that they'd get over it if they thought positively; it's just as silly to say it to someone with a mental illness. Senay I, et al. ". If your loved one is living with depression, its natural to want to support them. So ask them what the likelihood of it happening is, and if it does happen, what they would want to do about it," she says. You can learn some ways to help here. A kind, giving person can have depression. Remember, how they receive your offer is up to them. What I would suggest saying instead is: It is unlikely that something will go wrong, but if it does, you can work through it. This way, you will be covering all bases. Yes, you probably have good intentions and are trying to relate to them. "That allows you to be part of the solution instead of telling someone to do something or offering a generic suggestion," says Kitley. Its not easy knowing what to say to someone when theyre struggling with a condition like depression or overwhelming anxiety. Facts within our articles, distract them from their worries, and keep them in the anxiety-sufferers.! Be shy but you got over it and he can too one emotion we feel that does not medical! 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20 worst things to say to someone with anxiety